• :twisted: :twisted: 真的是一万头草泥马狂奔了~~目前只有重庆被劫持~据说是,哪个地区 ip 访问多,就会屏蔽哪个地区!

  • 博客图片原来是放到 google drive,然后通过 cloudflare workers 反代的,但是发现在兲朝速度不佳,所以就趁着空闲分离出来,重新做了图床程序。

  • 豆博今天增加了 Railgun 来加速博客动态文件了,折腾了半天终于完成!

  • 感觉上好久都没换新衣服了,换个新衣服,换个好心情吧!


记事杂文 豆子 15年前 (2010-06-24) 1175次浏览 已收录 0个评论 扫描二维码
On July 1, 2010, VeriSign®, the registry for .COM and .NET,will increase prices – .COM will go up 7%, and .NET by 10%.

The increase will be passed to registrars like Go Daddy and then, unfortunately, to consumers like you.As of July 1, we will be forced to raise registration and renewal* prices for these two popular top-level domains.If you wish to avoid this price increase, you can renew your domain names by June 30, 2010 and add another year to your current expiration dates. You have the option to register or renew for multiple years and lock in long-term savings. Of course, should you have any questions, please give us a call at 1-480-505-8821.Thanks as always for being a Go Daddy customer. Sincerely,

从 7 月 1 日起全球域名将普遍上涨。这又是一次大规模的域名价格调整战役!

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