• :twisted: :twisted: 真的是一万头草泥马狂奔了~~目前只有重庆被劫持~据说是,哪个地区 ip 访问多,就会屏蔽哪个地区!

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  • 豆博今天增加了 Railgun 来加速博客动态文件了,折腾了半天终于完成!

  • 感觉上好久都没换新衣服了,换个新衣服,换个好心情吧!


记事杂文 豆子 15年前 (2009-07-21) 1120次浏览 已收录 0个评论 扫描二维码

I’m My Own Grandpa 词曲:DAVID D. DIEBLER 演唱:WILLIE NELSON 歌词:now many, many years ago when I was 23I was married to a widow who was pretty as could beThis widow had a grown up daughter, had hair of redMy father fell in love with her and soon the two were wed 很多年以前,我 23 岁我娶了一个漂亮得出奇的寡妇这个寡妇有一个刚刚长大成人的红头发的女儿我爸爸爱上了她并很快跟她结了婚 This made my dad my son-in-low and changed my very lifeMy daughter was my mother ‘cuz she was my father’s wifeTo complicate the matter, even though it brought my joyI soon became the father of a bouncing baby boy 我的生活彻底改变了:我爸成了我的女婿我女儿又成了我妈,因为她是我爸的老婆很快又发生一件让我高兴又麻烦的事情:我成为一个活泼可爱的男孩的父亲 My little baby then became the brother-in-law to dadAnd so became my uncle, though it made me very sadFor if he was my uncle, that also made him brother of the widow’s grown up daughter, who, of course, was my stepmother 我的小宝宝成了我爹的弟弟所以我儿子也成了我叔叔,这真让我沮丧他是我叔叔就意味着他是寡妇的女儿——当然,就是我继母——的弟弟 I’m My Own GrandpaI’m My Own GrandpaIt sounds funny, I know, but it really is soFor I’m My Own Grandpa 我是我自己的爷爷我是我自己的爷爷这听起来很滑稽但事实如此我是我自己的爷爷 My father’s wife then had a son that kept him on the runAnd he became my grandchild, for he was my daughter’s sonMy wife is now my mother’s mother and it makes me blueBecause she is my wife, she’s my grandmother, too 我爹的老婆给他生了个蹦蹦跳跳的宝宝这孩子是我的孙子,因为他是我继女的儿子我老婆现在是我妈妈的妈妈,真让我忧郁因为她是我老婆,也是我奶奶 Now if my wife is my grandmother, then I’m her grandchildAnd every time I think of it, it nearly drives me wildFor now I have become the strangest case you ever sawAs husband of my grandmother, I’m my own grandpa 现在如果我老婆是我奶奶,那么我就是她孙子我每次想到这些就会抓狂我现在成了你所见过最奇怪的例子作为我奶奶的丈夫,我是我自己的爷爷

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